Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Physical Healing with the Divine

The Burden of Physical Symptoms

All over the world, people have entangled themselves in a web of dependency on superficial coping mechanisms. When it comes to alleviating physical symptoms, individuals often turn to hasty remedies that can prove both ineffective in the short term, and deleterious to the health overall.

One of the most unbearable physical symptoms one can suffer is pain, which is especially onerous if it is of a chronic nature. This leads to a serious dependency on dangerous substances in some cases, due to the severity of the pain.

Although many physical symptoms are difficult to contend with, one should never be at the mercy of their physical body, nor should they avoid uprooting the foundation of their physical symptoms.

Mind, body, spirit

There is an undeniable, intrinsic connection among the body, spirit and mind. In the spiritual hierarchy, these facets of being are interdependent, but they are not always equal in authority and power. However, they do interact in a variety of ways.

The body can drain the mind and spirit of its life force resulting in poor health. Conversely, the spirit and mind can induce life altering, amazing changes in the body. The mind, which is the all-encompassing source of emotion and intangible feeling, often teeters on the barrier between the spiritual realm and the physical realm.

Merkaba Meditation and its Healing Properties
The right thought process can give rise to love, which opens the heart, which in turn gives one access to their higher self connection, by means of Merkaba meditation. This form of self healing meditation bestows one with a connection to the surrounding energy field, the Merkaba. This Merkaba sphere enables one to manipulate the material word through the infinite power of the divine source.

Healing Your Body with Merkaba Meditation
This type of meditation, often taught by the spiritual author Drunvalo melchizedek, can give one authority over the physical realm.  In the scheme of things, the spiritual world transcends the physical.  And the higher you ascend to the elevated state of being, the more divine power you have access to.

By performing this meditation, you can connect with the good, healing properties of both the divine level and the quantum level, affecting physical changes in your body.

Physical symptoms can be distressing and oppressive as well, and no one should have to live dependently on painkillers, or other short term, coping mechanisms.

Through Merkaba Meditation, you can amplify the energy field around you, and use it to your advantage. This type meditation can be used to actualize many types of physical changes, including physical healing, monetary resources and more. The more you are in sync with the divine, the more you can achieve your heart's desires.

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